
Welcome to the second blog post in our series on neurofeedback therapy! In this post, we will explore the prevalence and impact of anxiety disorders and how neurofeedback can be a valuable tool in reducing symptoms. At Emerald Isle Health and Wellness in Gig Harbor, WA, we have witnessed the transformative effects of neurofeedback on anxiety management. So, let’s delve into the world of mental health frustration and discover how neurofeedback can help!

The Prevalence of Anxiety

Anxiety disorders affect millions of individuals worldwide, causing significant distress and impairing daily functioning. From generalized anxiety disorder to panic disorder and social anxiety, these conditions can have a profound impact on a person’s quality of life. It is crucial to address the symptoms and seek effective treatment options.

How Neurofeedback Helps Reduce Anxiety

Neurofeedback therapy offers a unique approach to anxiety management. By training the brain to regulate its activity and achieve a more balanced state, individuals can experience a reduction in anxiuos symptoms. At Emerald Isle Health and Wellness, our experienced practitioners use neurofeedback techniques to target specific brainwave patterns associated with anxiety, helping clients achieve a calmer and more grounded state of mind.

Success Stories from Emerald Isle Health and Wellness

The effectiveness of neurofeedback therapy in reducing anxious symptoms is best evidenced through the success stories of our clients. We have witnessed individuals who have struggled with debilitating anxiety find relief and regain control of their lives through neurofeedback sessions. Clients have reported decreased worry, improved sleep, and a greater ability to confidently face angst-provoking situations.

The Power of Self-Regulation

One of the key aspects of neurofeedback therapy is empowering individuals to self-regulate their brain activity. By learning to recognize and modulate their brainwave patterns, clients develop valuable skills in managing anxiety on their own. This self-regulation extends beyond the therapy sessions and can have long-lasting benefits in daily life.

A Comprehensive Approach

At Emerald Isle Health and Wellness, we believe in a holistic approach to anxiety management. Neurofeedback therapy is often combined with other evidence-based practices, such as counseling, mindfulness techniques, and lifestyle modifications. This comprehensive approach aims to address mental health from multiple angles, providing clients with a well-rounded and effective treatment plan.


Neurofeedback therapy has proven to be a powerful tool in reducing anxious symptoms and enhancing overall well-being. At Emerald Isle Health and Wellness, we are committed to helping individuals overcome anxiety and achieve a greater sense of calm and control through neurofeedback. Stay tuned for our next blog post, where we will explore how neurofeedback can specifically aid in anger management.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Learn how the benefits of neurofeedback can free you from a wide range of ailments. 

Sharon Allen, Ph. D. 
Depth Psychologist
Mayo Clinic Certified Health and Wellness Coach
LENS Neurofeedback Provider
Certified Applied Existential Coach